In this small article we will hand over you SAP BO unification sampling beside C# belief. Service Management System uses Microsoft CRM Case idea to stockroom provision work time. Integration pulls Customer Number, Billable Time, Unit Price, Service Description and Item cipher from a variety of MS CRM 3.0 objects, such as as Activity, User Name, Account and sends them into performance tabular array ALBATIMELOG and from there it sends these comedian into SAP B1. Integration is enforced as SAP Business One SDK standing - fulfil cite to your SAP B1 reseller to relieve you near your ad hoc merging challenges
This special cause proves you that you can position SAP Business One as stern end ERP therapy for Servicing company: fix and maintenance, contracts, jut out over organization, parcel of land service, consulting, auto-repair shops, communication, telephony, utilities maintenance, etc. SAP Business One supports multicurrency, reconciling to SAP mySAP, SAP all-in-one, R/3, positive we know cases once SAP B1 is incorporated next to Microsoft ERP systems, specified as Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics GP, Oracle eBusiness Suite/Financials - this is particularly primary for international companies, beginning business or scattering services in Brazil.
Below is candidature code, you should construct is as C# console table petition undertaking in MS Visual Studio
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using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
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using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
sealed community variety OrderApp
public ageless DataTable TableLines; // the datasource of the datagrid called DataLines.
public set in your ways SAPbobsCOM.Documents oOrder; // Order object
public unchanging SAPbobsCOM.Documents oInvoice; // Invoice Object
public ageless SAPbobsCOM.Recordset oRecordSet; // A recordset object
public undynamic SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany; // The company object
// Error manual labour variables
public rigid flex sErrMsg;
public static int lErrCode;
public fixed int lRetCode;
static cord description, itemnumber, accountNumber;
public adynamic null Main()
int docNumber=0;
OrderApp.oCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company();
OrderApp.oCompany.Server = "localhost"; // tweaking to your enterprise server
OrderApp.oCompany.language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_English; // transfer to your language
OrderApp.oCompany.UseTrusted = true;
OrderApp.oCompany.CompanyDB = "TEST_SAPBO_ALBA_US";
OrderApp.oCompany.UserName = "manager";
OrderApp.oCompany.Password = "manager";
Console.WriteLine("Company is: " OrderApp.oCompany.CompanyName);
SqlConnection link = new SqlConnection();
connection.ConnectionString = "Integrated Security = true;Data Source = CRMSERVER; Initial Catalog = CRMCUSTOMIZATION;";
SqlCommand bidding = new SqlCommand();
command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM ALBATIMELOG";
command.Connection = connection;
SqlDataReader scholarly person = dictation.ExecuteReader();
decimal billableTime, unitPrice, lineTotal;
double bTime, uPrice;
//reading from timelog
//add fields
Console.WriteLine(itemnumber.ToString ());
//Adding order
OrderApp.oOrder = ( ( SAPbobsCOM.Documents )( OrderApp.oCompany.GetBusinessObject( SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders ) ) );
// set properties of the Order object
OrderApp.oOrder.CardCode = accountNumber;
OrderApp.oOrder.HandWritten = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tNO;
SAPbobsCOM.Recordset rs = null;
// Create the side by side Order number
object sSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 DocNum FROM dbo.ORDR ORDER BY DocNum DESC";
rs = ( ( SAPbobsCOM.Recordset )( OrderApp.oCompany.GetBusinessObject( SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset ) ) );
rs.DoQuery( System.Convert.ToString( sSQL ) );
while ( !( ( rs.EoF ) ) )
docNumber=System.Convert.ToInt32( rs.Fields.Item( 0 ).Value ) 1;
// Default Currency
string dfcurrency="";
sSQL = "SELECT MainCurncy FROM dbo.OADM";
rs = ( ( SAPbobsCOM.Recordset )( OrderApp.oCompany.GetBusinessObject( SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset ) ) );
rs.DoQuery( System.Convert.ToString( sSQL ) );
while ( !( ( rs.EoF ) ) )
dfcurrency= System.Convert.ToString(rs.Fields.Item( 0 ).Value);
OrderApp.oOrder.DocNum = docNumber;
OrderApp.oOrder.DocDate = System.DateTime.Today;
OrderApp.oOrder.DocDueDate = System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(30);
OrderApp.oOrder.DocCurrency = dfcurrency;
OrderApp.oOrder.Lines.ItemCode = itemnumber;
OrderApp.oOrder.Lines.ItemDescription = description;
OrderApp.oOrder.Lines.Quantity = bTime;
OrderApp.oOrder.Lines.Price = uPrice;
OrderApp.oOrder.Lines.TaxCode = "00";
OrderApp.oOrder.Lines.LineTotal = uPrice*bTime;
//ATTENTION - you should NOT add final row!!!
OrderApp.oCompany.GetLastError( out lErrCode, out sErrMsg );
lRetCode = OrderApp.oOrder.Add(); // Try to add the decree to the database
if ( lRetCode != 0 )
OrderApp.oCompany.GetLastError( out lErrCode, out sErrMsg );